Privacy Policy

Outer Corner, the company behind Stickers, is in the business of selling software, not your personal information. We believe all our users have the right to use our software privately. Having said that, we do collect some data to help us run our business. The following details what information is collected and what it's used for.

Last updated on 2024-05-13.

Using our software

When you use our software we may record some usage analytics and crash logs. The sole purpose of the data we collect is to help us make better decisions on where to focus our efforts and improve our software.

Usage analytics

The app will track when a user starts or deletes an album. This information is sent and agregated solely for the purpose of computing the "Popular Albums" list. When a custom album is created this album is also stored as a contributed album. Contributed albums are curated and can serve as a basis to publish new albums for all users.

Crash logs

While Stickers doesn't collect crash logs directly, Apple may do so if you have opted in. Those crash logs are shared with Outer Corner.


Currently app sales are done via the Apple’s App Store. We do not collect any information on you from Apple.

Contacting us

When you contact us with questions or support requests we collect your e-mail adress any supporting information you may provide such as diagnostic reports. This information is collected solely for the purpose of responding to your requests.

Your interaction with our support team is kept so we can better assist you in future questions and to identify common issues with our software. If you'd like to remove your support interaction history you can contact us at [email protected].

Mailing list

You may voluntarily subscribe to our mailing list and by doing so give us your e-mail address. Your e-mail address will only be used to communicate information regarding our software, such as updates, promotions and other relevant news. Our mailing list is very low volume and e-mails are purposively short, usually referring to our website for more information.

We use Brevo to manage our mailing list.